Working with the $unwind stage in MongoDB

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the $unwind stage in MongoDB’s aggregation framework. This powerful operator is essential for developers looking to deconstruct array fields within their documents to generate a separate document for each array element. Through practical examples, this tutorial will provide you with a solid understanding of how to leverage $unwind to manipulate and analyze your data more effectively.


The aggregation framework in MongoDB is a feature-rich toolkit for data analytics and transformation. Among its various stages, $unwind plays a crucial role in array manipulation. Understanding how to work with $unwind can significantly enhance your ability to query and transform documents containing array fields.

Understanding $unwind

The $unwind stage is used in aggregation pipelines to deconstruct an array field from the input documents to output a document for each element of the array. Essentially, if you have a document with an array field, applying $unwind on this field will multiply the document into several documents, one for each array element.

{ $unwind: '$arrayField' }

Basic Usage

Let’s look at a simple example to demonstrate the basic use of $unwind:

db.collection.aggregate([ { $unwind: '$arrayField' } ]); 

In this example, if the documents in your collection have an array field called arrayField, applying $unwind would replicate each document for each element in this array, separating them into distinct documents.

Dealing with Empty Arrays and Missing Fields

A common issue encountered when using $unwind is when the array field is empty or the field does not exist in some documents. By default, $unwind will not output any document in such cases, which might not always be desired. However, MongoDB provides options to handle these situations:

{ $unwind: { path: '$arrayField', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }

Setting preserveNullAndEmptyArrays to true ensures that the stage includes documents with missing or empty array fields in the output, thus preserving the document structure.

Adding Fields for Array Index

Another useful option when unwinding an array is the ability to add a field indicating each element’s array index:

{ $unwind: { path: '$arrayField', includeArrayIndex: 'arrayIndex' } }

This will add a new field called arrayIndex to each output document, containing the index of the array element in the original array, which can be extremely helpful for data analysis purposes.

Advanced Use Cases

While the basic usage of $unwind is straightforward, its true power is revealed in its application to more complex aggregation pipelines. Let’s explore some advanced use cases.

Aggregating After Unwinding

One common pattern is to perform further aggregation operations after unwinding an array. This might include grouping the unwound documents by a certain criteria or calculating statistical summaries for each group:

  { $unwind: '$arrayField' },
    $group: {
      _id: '$categoryField',
      averageValue: { $avg: '$arrayField.value' }

In this example, we first unwind an array field and then group the documents by categoryField, calculating the average value contained in the unwound array elements. Such operations are incredibly powerful for data analysis and summarization.

Working with Nested Arrays

Dealing with nested arrays can be particularly challenging. If you have multiple levels of arrays within your documents, you might need to apply multiple $unwind stages, one for each array level. This process can be complex but is necessary for deeply nested structures:

  { $unwind: '$outerArray' },
  { $unwind: '$outerArray.innerArray' }

This example shows how to handle documents with nested arrays by applying $unwind successively. The first $unwind stage expands the outer array, and the second one deals with the inner array, allowing for detailed analysis and manipulation of nested data structures.


Mastering the $unwind stage in MongoDB’s aggregation framework offers a potent tool for developers to effectively analyze and transform documents containing array fields. Whether you’re dealing with simple or complex data structures, understanding how to utilize $unwind can open up a wealth of possibilities for data manipulation and insight gathering. Through the examples and use cases outlined in this guide, you should now have a strong foundation to start leveraging $unwind in your MongoDB operations.