Working with String data type in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a NoSQL database, has gained immense popularity due to its dynamic schema, horizontal scaling, and flexibility in handling various data types. One fundamental data type is the string, which is used extensively for storing textual data. In this tutorial, we will explore how to effectively work with the string data type in MongoDB, elucidating concepts with practical code examples. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of string manipulation in MongoDB.

Basic String Operations

Getting started with MongoDB requires understanding of the basics. Here we’ll cover creating, reading, and searching strings in database documents. MongoDB stores string data in UTF-8 format, which provides support for a wide range of characters.

  name: "John Doe"

  name: "John Doe"

The above example demonstrates how to insert a document with a string field (‘name’) and then query for that same document.

String Query Operators

When querying strings, MongoDB offers various operators for matching string values. For simplicity, let’s assume we have a collection named ‘users’ with several documents containing a ‘username’ field.

db.users.find({username: /^Jo/}); 
// Finds users with a username starting with 'Jo'

This query utilizes a regular expression to match any usernames beginning with ‘Jo’.

Case-Insensitive Search

By default, MongoDB’s string comparisons are case-sensitive. If you need a case-insensitive search, you must use the ‘ extdollar{}regex’ operator with the ‘i’ option.

db.users.find({username: { $regex: /^jo/i }}); 
// Case-insensitive search

This operation will match usernames that begin with ‘jo’, ‘Jo’, ‘jO’, or ‘JO’.

String Projection Using Aggregation

This sophisticated MongoDB feature allows transformation of string data within a query. The aggregation framework has stages like ‘ extdollar{}project’ and ‘ extdollar{}addFields’ that can manipulate strings in various ways.

  { $addFields: {
    usernameUpper: { $toUpper: "$username" }

The result of this aggregation pipeline will include a new field ‘usernameUpper’ with the username converted to uppercase.

String Update Operations

MongoDB also permits string updating within documents. Here’s how you might update all ‘username’ fields to be uppercase:

db.users.updateMany({}, [
  { $set: {
    username: { $toUpper: "$username" }

This ‘$set’ update operation will transform all ‘username’ fields to uppercase.

Pattern Matching and Replacement

The ‘ extdollar{}regex’ operator also allows search-and-replace operations on strings. In the example below, we replace ‘Doe’ with ‘Smith’ in the ‘name’ fields that match the given pattern.

    name: { $regex: "Doe" }
      $set: {
        name: {
          $replaceOne: {
            input: "$name",
            find: "Doe",
            replacement: "Smith"

The ‘$replaceOne’ stage in an update operation replaces the first occurrence of ‘Doe’ in each matching ‘name’ field.

Matching Partial String Content

Occasionally you might need to find documents where a string field contains a certain substring without caring about exact matches:

  bio: {
    $regex: 'MongoDB',
    $options: 'i' // Searches 'bio' for 'MongoDB' case-insensitively

This looks through the ‘bio’ field for any occurrence of ‘MongoDB’, ignoring case.

String Array Handling

Strings often appear as part of arrays in documents. Here’s how you might query documents with a field ‘tags’ containing an array of strings:

db.articles.find({ tags: 'database' }); 
// Finds articles with the tag 'database'

Furthermore, MongoDB supports operations to manipulate arrays of strings, such as adding or removing elements using ‘$push’ and ‘$pull’ respectively.

Advanced String Aggregations

Advanced aggregations might involve string expressions like ‘$split’, ‘$concat’, and ‘$trim’, which respectively split a string by a delimiter, concatenate multiple strings, and trim whitespace.

    $project: {
      titleWords: { $size: { $split: ["$title", " "] } }

The above pipeline calculates the number of words in the ‘title’ field for each document.


Working with string data in MongoDB is a vast topic with numerous functions and operators to explore. From basic CRUD operations to advanced aggregations and transformations, this tutorial provided a foundation to embark on more intricate MongoDB string manipulations in your next project.