Understanding MongoDB $setOnInsert operator (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, offers a flexible schema that allows developers to efficiently manage and manipulate data. One of its powerful features is the $setOnInsert operator, which is specifically designed for use with the upsert operation. This operator specifies the fields to add to a document only if the operation results in an insertion. This guide delves into the $setOnInsert operator, demonstrating its utility through a variety of examples.

Understanding $setOnInsert

The $setOnInsert operator in MongoDB plays a crucial role in distinguishing between insert and update operations during an upsert. When an upsert query results in a new document insertion, the $setOnInsert fields are added. However, if the operation finds an existing document and updates it, the $setOnInsert modifications are ignored. Understanding this operator helps achieve precision in data manipulation, ensuring that certain fields are only added when a new document is actually created.

Basic Example

  { username: "johndoe" },
    $setOnInsert: {
      createdAt: new Date(),
      email: "[email protected]"
  { upsert: true }

In this basic example, if a document with the username “johndoe” does not exist, the update operation will insert a new document with the specified createdAt and email fields. If the document exists, it performs an update operation without touching the createdAt and email fields.

Intermediate Example

  { _id: ObjectId("507f191e810c19729de860ea") },
    $set: { active: true },
    $setOnInsert: { registeredAt: new Date() }
  { upsert: true }

This example demonstrates how to use $setOnInsert along with $set. In this scenario, if the document is inserted, it will have both the registeredAt field and the active state set. If the document is an update instead of an insert, only the active field will be changed.

Advanced Example

  { "profile.username": "techguru" },
    $set: { "profile.lastAccess": new Date() },
    $addToSet: { tags: "expert" },
    $setOnInsert: {
      "profile.creationDate": new Date(),
      "accountStatus": "active",
      email: "[email protected]"
  { upsert: true }

This more complex example further explores the use of $setOnInsert in conjunction with other update operators like $set and $addToSet. Here, if the upsert leads to an insertion, the document will be filled with a creation date, account status, and email, along with the last access time and tags. If an update occurs, only the last access time and tags are modified.

Tips for Using $setOnInsert

  • Always couple $setOnInsert with the upsert: true option to differentiate between insertions and updates effectively.
  • Utilize $setOnInsert to initialize fields that should only exist when a document is first created, such as timestamps, default settings, or identifiers.
  • Pair $setOnInsert with other update operators for complex operations, balancing between initial setup and updates.


The $setOnInsert operator is a sophisticated tool in MongoDB that enables nuanced control over document fields during upsert operations. By carefully applying this operator, developers can ensure that certain fields are only introduced at the creation of a document, maintaining both the efficiency and integrity of the database.