References (Manual Linking) in MongoDB: A Developer’s Guide (with Examples)

Updated: February 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In modern software development, database management is a crucial aspect. MongoDB, a popular NoSQL document database, offers an exceptional model for storing non-relational data. While MongoDB does not have the concept of foreign keys like relational databases, it supports references between documents. This guide will explore the concept of manual linking or referencing in MongoDB, its advantages, best practices, and concise examples to illustrate how developers can harness this feature effectively.

Understanding References in MongoDB

References or Manual Linking in MongoDB is a method to associate documents from different collections. Unlike SQL databases that use joins, MongoDB uses two principal methods for linking documents: manual references (where you save the reference document’s _id field in another document) and database references (DBRefs). This tutorial focuses on manual references due to their simplicity and versatility.

Advantages of Manual Linking

  • Scalability: MongoDB’s document model with manual linking scales well with large amounts of data and high-load environments.
  • Flexibility: Allows a more flexible document structure which can change without affecting the entire database schema.
  • Performance: Reduces the overhead of server-side joins, leading to potentially faster query times in certain scenarios.

Setting Up the Environment

npm install mongodb

Ensure you have Node.js and NPM installed, as this guide will use MongoDB’s official Node.js driver for examples.

Example Scenario

Imagine an e-commerce platform where products and orders are stored in separate collections but need to be linked. Products have unique IDs that are referenced in orders.

Creating Collections and Inserting Documents

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const dbName = 'ecommerceDB';

(async () => {
  const client = new MongoClient(url);
  await client.connect();
  console.log('Connected correctly to server');
  const db = client.db(dbName);

  // Insert a sample product
  const productCollection = db.collection('products');
  const productResult = await productCollection.insertOne({
    name: 'Laptop',
    price: 1200
  console.log('Inserted product id: ', productResult.insertedId);

  // Insert an order referencing the product
  const orderCollection = db.collection('orders');
  const orderResult = await orderCollection.insertOne({
    product_id: productResult.insertedId,
    quantity: 1,
    date: new Date()
  console.log('Inserted order id: ', orderResult.insertedId);

Querying Linked Documents

To retrieve orders with product details, execute a two-step process; first, find the order, and then, find the corresponding product by its ID.

const findOrderWithProduct = async () => {
  const client = new MongoClient(url);
  await client.connect();
  const db = client.db(dbName);

  const order = await db.collection('orders').findOne();
  const product = await db.collection('products').findOne({_id: order.product_id});

  console.log('Order details:', order);
  console.log('Product details:', product);

Best Practices

  • Keep references at a minimum to avoid complex dereferencing code and ensure performances.
  • Cache commonly accessed referenced documents to improve performance.
  • Consider embedding documents if they are frequently accessed together and the size does not exceed MongoDB’s document size limit.


Manual linking in MongoDB offers robust flexibility and performance benefits for document-based data models. By effectively using references, developers can manage complex data relationships without compromising on the scalability and flexibility of their database architectures. Implementing the best practices and patterns outlined in this guide will help in maximizing the efficiency and performance of MongoDB applications.