One-to-Many Relations in MongoDB: The Ultimate Guide (with examples)

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, as a NoSQL database, provides a different approach to defining relationships between data points as compared to traditional relational databases. One common type of relationship in database design is the one-to-many relationship, whereby a single record in one collection (akin to a table in SQL) can be related to multiple records in another collection. Understanding how to effectively work with these kinds of relationships is key to making the most of MongoDB’s flexible schema and data storage model.

This guide will provide an in-depth look at how to define, populate, and query one-to-many relationships in MongoDB. We will discuss different modeling strategies, review practical examples, and explore the implications of each approach on the performance and complexity of your data operations.

Understanding One-to-Many Relationships

In traditional SQL databases, a one-to-many relationship is typically implemented using two separate tables with a foreign key in the many-side table pointing back to a primary key in the one-side table. In MongoDB, however, there are no foreign keys, and instead, this relationship can be modeled in a couple of different ways: Using embedded documents or using references.

Embedded Documents

Embedded documents are one way to express one-to-many relationships, where the ‘many’ side of the relationship is stored as an array within a single document. This strategy keeps related data physically close together in storage, which can yield performance benefits especially when querying related data is common. Here is how you might model a one-to-many relationship using embedded documents:

  // A blog post with embedded comments
  "_id": ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345"),
  "title": "Exploring One-to-Many Relationships in MongoDB",
  "content": "...",
  "comments": [
    { "username": "jdoe", "text": "Great article!", "posted_at": ISODate("2023-04-01T08:00:00Z") },
    { "username": "jsmith", "text": "Thanks for the examples.", "posted_at": ISODate("2023-04-02T09:00:00Z") }


If embedding data would lead to documents with large arrays that frequently change, or if the related data should be shared between multiple documents, you might go with using references instead. In this approach, the ‘many’ side documents each include a reference to the ‘one’ side’s identifier—analogous to a foreign key. Here is this alternative in action:

  // A blog post document
  "_id": ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345"),
  "title": "Deep Dive into NoSQL Relationships",
  "content": "...",
  // Possibly other fields

  // A comment document
  "_id": ObjectId("5fd2c4743e914b2430c04e24"),
  "post_id": ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345"),
  "username": "jdoe",
  "text": "Very informative!",
  "posted_at": ISODate("2023-04-03T07:45:00Z")

// Another comment related to the same post
  "_id": ObjectId("5fd3e89c5ed10a8add4f937a"),
  "post_id": ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345"),
  "username": "jsmith",
  "text": "Excited to try out these concepts.",
  "posted_at": ISODate("2023-04-03T16:30:00Z")

Populating One-to-Many Relations

When it comes to fetching related data, MongoDB offers different methods depending on your chosen modeling strategy. For embedded documents, you simply query the one-side document and access the embedded data directly; there’s no join operation needed. When dealing with references, you’ll typically need to perform a join operation using the $lookup stage in an aggregation pipeline to collect the related documents. This is similar to the SQL join operation. Here’s how you might do this:

  { $match: { _id: ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345") } },
  { $lookup:
      from: "comments",
      localField: "_id",
      foreignField: "post_id",
      as: "post_comments"

Working with references may require multiple queries against the database if not using aggregations, potentially increasing the number of round trips and affecting performance. However, references are sometimes necessary due to operational advantages such as avoiding data duplication and easier updates.

Making the Right Choice

There are several factors to consider when deciding between embedded documents and references in MongoDB. Here are a few to keep in mind:

  • Data Retrieval Patterns: Think about how often and how the related data is accessed. If it’s typically needed together, embedding might make sense.
  • Document Size: Keep in mind that MongoDB has a maximum document size limit, if your embedded array will make the document too large, references might be a better option.
  • Update Frequency: Highly dynamic ‘many’ side data can make embedded documents problematic, as each update means writing the entire ‘one’ side document again.

Understanding these trade-offs, and weighing them against the specifics of your application’s needs, can help you determine the most appropriate model for your data.

Example Use Case: Blog Posts and Comments

To put everything we’ve covered into practice, let’s look at a concrete example, a blogging platform. A blog post has the potential to amass a significant number of comments over time, which could make embedded comments impractical. In this situation, using references as opposed to embedded documents would look like this:

  // The blog post
  "_id": ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345"),
  "title": "Mastering MongoDB Relations",
  "content": "...",
  // and possibly other fields

// A comment
  "_id": ObjectId("5fd2c4743e914b2430c04e24"),
  "post_id": ObjectId("5f763f492b0f1b3910e12345"),
  // ...other comment fields

// Another comment
  //... as above


Mongodb’s flexible schema allows for designs tailored to application needs and can handle various types of relationships effectively. Understanding one-to-many relationships and the methods available to manage these can greatly enhance your application and its performance. With practice and additional optimizations like indexing, materialized views, and tuning of the write/read preferences, you can become skilled in handling complex data structures within MongoDB.