MongoDB: Sorting Documents by Updated Time

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a NoSQL database, is popular for its flexibility and scalability. It stores data in JSON-like documents that can have varied structures. When working with data, sorting documents by updated time can be a common requirement, be it for generating reports, displaying recent updates, or simply organizing your findings. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to achieve this with multiple code examples.


  • Basic understanding of MongoDB and its query language.
  • MongoDB server installed and running.
  • MongoDB Compass or another database management tool.
  • A collection with documents that include an updated timestamp field.

Adding an Updated Time Field

Before we dive into sorting documents, ensure that your documents have a field that tracks the last updated time. This is typically achieved with a timestamp field:

  { },
  { $set: { updatedAt: new Date() } },
  { multi: true }

The above operation will add an updatedAt field with the current date and time to all documents within the collection.

Basic Sorting by Updated Time

Sorting in MongoDB is done using the sort() method. To sort documents by the updatedAt field in descending order (newest first):

db.yourCollectionName.find().sort({ updatedAt: -1 })

This returns a cursor that when iterated over, will yield the documents sorted by the updatedAt field.

For ascending order (oldest first):

db.yourCollectionName.find().sort({ updatedAt: 1 })

Sorting with Projection

Sometimes, you might want to retrieve only certain fields of your documents when sorting. This can be done with projection:

db.yourCollectionName.find({}, { content: 1 }).sort({ updatedAt: -1 })

This will return only the content field of your sorted documents.

Sorting within Aggregation Pipelines

MongoDB’s aggregation framework is a powerful feature that allows for complex data aggregation operations. Here’s how you can sort documents within an aggregation pipeline:

  { $match: {} },
  { $sort: { updatedAt: -1 } }

The $match stage is used to filter documents, and the $sort stage immediately follows it to sort the resulting documents.

Indexing the Updated Time Field

As your collection grows, sorting operations can become slower. To maintain performance, create an index on the updatedAt field:

db.yourCollectionName.createIndex({ updatedAt: -1 })

Handling Dates in Different Time Zones

MongoDB stores times in UTC by default. If you have to deal with multiple time zones, consider converting times to UTC before storing them or using the $dateToString operator within the aggregation pipeline when sorting.

Advanced Sorting: Combined Criteria

Besides sorting by the updated time, sometimes, you might need to sort by multiple criteria. Here’s how to sort documents by updated time, then by title:

db.yourCollectionName.find().sort({ updatedAt: -1, title: 1 })

Pagination with Sorting

When displaying results, especially in web applications, you often paginate your data. Here’s how you would implement pagination:

const pageSize = 10;
const page = 1; // Assuming the first page

  .sort({ updatedAt: -1 })
  .skip(pageSize * (page - 1))

Performance Considerations

Always monitor the performance of your sort operations, especially on large datasets. The use of indexes, as mentioned earlier, is crucial for ensuring that your sort queries are efficient and perform well at scale.


Sorting documents by updated time in MongoDB is a straightforward operation that can be customized and optimized for different use cases. Whether within simple queries or complex aggregation pipelines, maintaining performance through effective indexing should always be a priority.