MongoDB: How to Select All Documents in a Collection

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Selecting all documents from a MongoDB collection is a fundamental operation for most applications dealing with data. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out with MongoDB, or you have some experience under your belt, mastering how to retrieve documents is crucial. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to accomplish this task using MongoDB, from the most basic methods to more advanced techniques. We’ll also include code examples and their expected outputs to help solidify your understanding.

Understanding MongoDB Collections

Before diving into the specifics of selecting documents, it’s essential to understand what a collection means in MongoDB. A collection is somewhat similar to a table in relational databases, but without a strict schema. Collections contain documents, which are the basic unit of storage in MongoDB, similar to records or rows in a relational database.

Basic Query to Select All Documents

The foundation of retrieving all documents in a collection is the find() method. Without any arguments, find() returns all documents in the collection. Here’s a simple example:


This will output all documents in the collectionName collection. It’s as simple as it sounds, but immensely powerful in quickly fetching data.

Using the find() Method with Projections

While retrieving all documents is useful, you often need to retrieve only certain fields. This is where projections come into play. Adding a second argument to the find() method allows you to specify which fields to include or exclude in the result set:

db.collectionName.find({}, { fieldName: 1 })

This command will select all documents but only include the fieldName in the outputs. A 1 indicates inclusion, whereas a 0 indicates exclusion.

Filtering Results

While selecting all documents might be your initial goal, in practice, you often need to filter the results based on certain criteria. MongoDB allows for robust filtering options with the find() method:

db.collectionName.find({ fieldName: "value" })

This command filters the documents, returning only those where fieldName matches the specified value.

Sorting and Limiting Results

When retrieving all documents, you might want to sort them or limit the number of documents returned. MongoDB provides the sort() and limit() methods for this purpose:

db.collectionName.find().sort({ fieldName: 1 }).limit(5)

This command retrieves documents in ascending order based on fieldName and limits the result to the first 5 documents.

Paginating Results

Pagination is crucial for applications displaying large sets of data. MongoDB supports pagination by combining the skip() and limit() functions:


This effectively retrieves the third “page” of documents, assuming a page size of 10.

Advanced Query Patterns

As your data access patterns become more complex, you might need to perform more advanced queries. MongoDB supports a rich query language that includes conditional operators, regular expressions, and array operations.

  "arrayField": {
    $elemMatch: {
      "innerField": "value"

This query selects documents where innerField within an arrayField matches “value”.

Using Aggregation for Complex Queries

If you find yourself needing even more advanced data manipulation, MongoDB’s aggregation framework is a powerful tool. It allows you to perform complex transformations and calculations across multiple stages of data processing:

 { $match: {} },
 { $group: { _id: "$fieldName", total: { $sum: 1 } } }

This pipeline matches all documents (since $match is empty) and then groups them by fieldName, counting the total number of documents that share the same fieldName.


Selecting all documents in a MongoDB collection is just the start of exploring what’s possible with MongoDB’s flexible and powerful query language. Whether you need to retrieve simple data sets or perform complex aggregation operations, MongoDB provides the tools to get the job done. Remember, the key to effectively utilizing MongoDB is to understand your data and how you wish to interact with it.