MongoDB: How to see all fields in a collection (with examples)

Updated: February 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the structure of your MongoDB collections is pivotal when you’re working with NoSQL databases. Seeing all fields in a MongoDB collection can significantly simplify schema discovery, data quality checks, and writing more effective queries. This comprehensive guide will walk you through different strategies to view all fields in a MongoDB collection, augmented with practical examples.

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a highly popular, document-based NoSQL database. It stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, allowing for more complex data models and a schema-less architecture. This flexibility can sometimes make understanding the data structure challenging, hence the need for techniques to explore a collection’s schema.


Before diving into the examples, ensure you have MongoDB installed and running on your system. You should also have basic knowledge of executing MongoDB queries through the mongo shell or a MongoDB client like Compass.

Method 1: Using the mongo Shell

The mongo shell is a powerful MongoDB command-line tool. While it doesn’t offer a built-in command specifically for listing all fields in a collection, you can achieve this by combining MongoDB queries and aggregation operations.

Example 1: Basic Field Extraction

  { $project: { allFieldNames: { $objectToArray: "$ROOT" }, _id: 0 } },
  { $unwind: "$allFieldNames" },
  { $group: { _id: null, allFields: { $addToSet: "$allFieldNames.k" } } }

This aggregate query first transforms each document into an array of key-value pairs. It then unwinds the array to separate documents before finally grouping them and adding each field to a set, effectively listing all unique field names across the collection.

Method 2: Using MongoDB Compass

MongoDB Compass, the official GUI for MongoDB, offers a more visual approach to schema discovery.

Analyzing the Schema

Open Compass and connect to your database. Navigate to the desired collection and click on the ‘Schema’ tab. Compass will sample the documents in your collection and provide a visual representation of the schema, including all fields and their types. This approach is user-friendly, especially for those unfamiliar with MongoDB’s query language.

Method 3: Utilizing MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas provides another powerful tool for schema discovery through its Data Explorer feature.

Schema Visualization with Data Explorer

After logging into your MongoDB Atlas account and selecting your project, navigate to your cluster’s ‘Collections’ view. Here, you can choose the ‘Analyze Schema’ option for the desired collection. Like Compass, the Data Explorer in Atlas automatically samples documents to provide a comprehensive overview of the collection’s fields, including type and count.

Method 4: Using JavaScript with MongoDB Driver

For those preferring programmatic access, leveraging the MongoDB Node.js driver with a JavaScript script provides a flexible way to list all fields.

Example 2: Using Node.js

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;

async function listFields(dbName, collectionName) {
  const client = await MongoClient.connect('your_mongodb_uri', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
  const db = client.db(dbName);
  const collection = db.collection(collectionName);

  const result = await collection.aggregate([
    { $project: { allFieldNames: { $objectToArray: "$ROOT" }, _id: 0 } },
    { $unwind: "$allFieldNames" },
    { $group: { _id: null, allFields: { $addToSet: "$allFieldNames.k" } } }


listFields('your_db_name', 'your_collection_name');

This script connects to your MongoDB database, executes an aggregation pipeline similar to the one in the first example, and logs the unique fields of the specified collection to the console.


MongoDB’s flexibility with data schema does not have to be a double-edged sword. Whether through the mongo shell, GUI tools like Compass and Atlas, or programmatically with JavaScript, there are multiple ways to explore and understand the structure of your collections. Mastering these techniques can significantly aid in database maintenance, query optimization, and data analysis, enhancing overall project success.

Always remember to consider the scale of your data and choose the method that best suits your needs and skill level. As MongoDB continues to evolve, staying updated on the latest tools and techniques will ensure you can navigate and utilize your databases effectively.