MongoDB: How to remove a field in a document

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, offers flexibility in managing and structuring data. One common task is removing fields from documents. This tutorial covers basic to advanced examples of how to accomplish this. You’ll become adept at using MongoDB’s capabilities to keep your database optimized and clean.


  • Basic knowledge of MongoDB
  • MongoDB installed and running
  • A MongoDB database and collection set up

Basic Example: The $unset Operator

At its simplest, removing a field from a document in MongoDB can be achieved using the $unset operator. The following example demonstrates how to remove a lastName field from a document:

  { _id: 'user123' }, 
  { $unset: { lastName: "" } }

Output: Acknowledged, with an indication of the modified count. Use db.collection.findOne({ _id: 'user123' }) to verify the removal.

Using $unset with Multiple Fields

To remove multiple fields, simply extend the $unset operator with additional field names:

  { $unset: { lastName: "", age: "" } }

This code removes the lastName and age fields from all documents in the collection. The operation acknowledges with the modified count.

Conditional Field Removal

It’s possible to conditionally remove fields based on certain criteria using $unset in combination with query filters:

  { age: { $gt: 30 } }, 
  { $unset: { age: "" } }

This operation removes the age field from documents where the age is greater than 30, demonstrating how to tailor field removal to specific document characteristics.

Removing Fields from Nested Documents

To remove fields from nested documents, use dot notation:

  { $unset: { '': "" } }

This will remove the city field from the nested address object in all documents within the collection.

Advanced: Using Aggregation Pipeline for Field Removal

The aggregation pipeline provides a powerful way to manipulate data, including removing fields.

  [{ $set: { fullName: { $concat: ['$firstName', ' ', '$lastName'] } } },
   { $unset: ['firstName', 'lastName'] }]

This example concatenates firstName and lastName into a new fullName field, then removes the original fields. It showcases the use of $unset within an aggregation pipeline for complex data manipulation.


In sum, MongoDB’s $unset operator is a versatile tool for removing fields from documents. Whether dealing with simple cases, conditional scenarios, or complex document structures, understanding how to correctly apply $unset can significantly enhance database management efficiency.