MongoDB: How to concatenate strings in aggregation pipeline (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the vast and ever-evolving data landscape, MongoDB continues to stand out as a preferred document-based database for modern applications. Its Aggregation Framework is particularly potent, allowing for complex data manipulation and analysis tasks. One such task is string concatenation within an aggregation pipeline. This tutorial delves into the intricacies of performing string concatenation in MongoDB, offering a wealth of examples ranging from basic to advanced use cases.

Introduction to Aggregation Framework

MongoDB’s Aggregation Framework is a powerful tool for processing data records and transforming them into aggregated results. It operates through a pipeline mechanism, where data passes through multiple stages, each performing a specific operation such as filtering, projecting, and yes, string concatenation. Understanding how to leverage the Aggregation Framework is crucial for sophisticated MongoDB query operations.

Basic String Concatenation

One of the most fundamental tasks in data manipulation is combining strings. In MongoDB, this can be straightforwardly achieved using the $concat operator within an aggregation pipeline. The $concat operator joins several string values into a single string. Here’s a basic example:

        $project: {
            fullName: {
                $concat: ["$firstName", " ", "$lastName"]

This pipeline takes $firstName and $lastName fields from documents, concatenates them with a space, and projects the result as fullName. Simple yet powerful, it transforms the data without altering the original documents.

Concatenating Strings with Conditional Logic

Going beyond basic concatenation, MongoDB allows for dynamic string joining using conditions. The $cond operator becomes useful here. It allows for conditional logic within your pipelines, enabling dynamic string construction based on document properties. For example, appending a suffix only if a condition meets:

        $project: {
            emailAddress: {
                $concat: [
                        $cond: {
                            if: "$isVerified",
                            then: "",
                            else: ""

This dynamically appends a “” or “” suffix to an email field based on the isVerified boolean field.

Using $concatArrays for Joining Array Elements

String concatenation in MongoDB is not limited to basic strings. With $concatArrays, it can extend to arrays, allowing for an elegant way to join array elements into a single string when used in conjunction with $reduce and $arrayElemAt. Here’s an advanced example:

        $project: {
            tagsCombined: {
                $reduce: {
                    input: "$tags",
                    initialValue: "",
                    in: {
                        $concat: ["$value", " ", "$this"]

This operation takes an array of tags and concatenates them into a single space-delimited string. The use of $reduce here iteratively processes the elements of the array, joining them smoothly.

Advanced String Manipulation

Further advancing in string manipulation, MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline allows for string operations such as substring extraction, case conversion, and even regex-based replacements. These can be combined with $concat for more complex scenarios. For instance, creating a username by concatenating a normalized first name and a substring of the last name:

        $project: {
            username: {
                $concat: [
                    { $toLower: "$firstName" },
                    { $substrBytes: ["$lastName", 0, 5] }

This creates a username based on a lowercase first name and the first five characters of the last name, showcasing the flexibility and power of MongoDB’s string manipulation capabilities within the Aggregation Framework.

Dealing with Null Values

When concatenating strings, handling null or missing values is vital to prevent unexpected outcomes. MongoDB addresses this with the $ifNull operator, allowing for default values if a field is null. For instance, providing a default text when a name field is missing:

        $project: {
            fullName: {
                $concat: [
                    { $ifNull: ["$firstName", "N/A"] },
                    " ",
                    { $ifNull: ["$lastName", "N/A"] }

This approach ensures that the aggregation pipeline delivers consistent results, even in the face of incomplete data.

Performance Considerations

While MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline is incredibly powerful, it’s important to be mindful of performance, especially when working with large datasets or complex aggregations. Efficient pipeline design, such as limiting the number of documents at early stages or using indices effectively, can significantly impact performance.


MongoDB’s Aggregation Framework presents a versatile toolset for data manipulation, including sophisticated string concatenation capabilities. Whether you are performing basic joins or advanced manipulations, understanding how to wield these tools effectively can elevate your MongoDB queries to new heights. Embrace the power and flexibility of MongoDB to make your data dance the way you imagine.