MongoDB: How to add a comment to a query predicate

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of database management, adding comments to query predicates can significantly improve the readability and maintenance of the code, especially for complex queries that may be reviewed or executed by multiple developers. MongoDB, being a powerful NoSQL database, provides a flexible way to add comments to queries. This guide will explain how to include comments in MongoDB query predicates, starting from basic examples and moving to more advanced use cases.

Understanding Query Comments in MongoDB

Comments in MongoDB queries serve two main purposes:

  • They allow developers to annotate queries with explanations or references, which can be useful for future maintenance or analysis.
  • They enable database administrators to track and monitor specific queries more easily using the database profiler or logs.

The ability to add comments in MongoDB is provided by the $comment operator. Comments added via this operator will be visible in the query profiler and logs, helping in monitoring and optimization efforts.

Basic Usage of the $comment Operator

To start with, let’s look at the simplest form of including a comment in a MongoDB query predicate. The following example demonstrates the use of $comment with a simple find operation:

db.collection.find({ $query: {}, $comment: 'This is a basic query comment' })

This adds a comment to the query predicate without affecting the actual execution of the query. The specified comment will now be recorded in the database logs and profiler output.

Intermediate Use: Annotated Query Predicates

The $comment operator can also be used in conjunction with more complex query predicates. In this example, we have a compound query that searches for documents that meet certain conditions:

  $query: {
    status: 'active',
    lastLogin: { $gt: new Date(2021, 0, 1) }
  $comment: 'Find active users who last logged in after Jan 1, 2021'

The above query retrieves documents from a collection where the status field is ‘active’ and the lastLogin date is greater than January 1, 2021. The comment explains the specific criteria being applied, making the operation more understandable for someone reviewing the code.

Advanced Usage: Comments in Aggregation Pipelines

Adding comments becomes particularly important in aggregation queries, which can be quite complex. MongoDB allows for the including of comments within aggregation pipelines using the $comment field. Here is an example using an aggregation pipeline:

    $match: { status: 'pending' }
    $group: {
      _id: '$department',
      count: { $sum: 1 }
    $comment: 'Count pending cases by department'

In the aggregation pipeline above, comments explain the purpose of the entire pipeline at once. This helps in understanding the intention and functionality of multiple stages involved.

Parameterized Comments for Dynamic Operations

For more dynamic operations, you can incorporate variables into your comments to provide additional context. The following example demonstrates how to use JavaScript to dynamically insert a date into the comment:

var currentDate = new Date();
  $query: {
    status: 'pending',
    createdAt: { $lt: currentDate }
  $comment: 'Find pending items created before ' + currentDate.toISOString()

With the inclusion of a dynamic date in the comment, any person reading the logs or the profile can understand when the query was expected to retrieve the items.

Using Comments for Query Optimization

Comments are not only for readability but also for aiding in query optimization. MongoDB profile levels can be configured to log only queries exceeding certain performance thresholds. By tagging these queries with comments, you can better categorize and prioritize them for optimization. An example of such a targeted comment might look like this:

  $query: { department: 'development' },
  $comment: 'High-impact query for optimization'
}).hint({ department: 1 })

The .hint() method is used here to force MongoDB to use a specific index for the query, and the comment clearly labels this query as a candidate for further optimization efforts.


In summary, adding comments to query predicates in MongoDB is a straightforward process that can substantially enhance the efficiency of database code review and monitoring activities. It becomes invaluable for maintaining complex queries and optimizing database performance by acting as a marker in logs and profiling tools. As your MongoDB usage grows, incorporating meaningful comments in your query predicates will be a best practice to ensure clear, maintainable, and optimized database operations.