MongoDB DocTooLargeForCapped Error: Common Causes and Solutions

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The DocTooLargeForCapped error in MongoDB is a common issue that arises when attempting to insert a document into a capped collection that exceeds the specified size limit of any individual document. This can prevent new documents from being written to the collection and can disrupt the proper functioning of your database. In this article, we will explore the common causes of this error and provide practical solutions to resolve it.


Solution 1: Check Document Size Before Insertion

Before attempting to insert a document into a capped collection, it is prudent to check if the document’s size is within the permissible limit. This preemptive approach helps prevent the DocTooLargeForCapped error.

  1. Calculate the size of the document.
  2. Compare the size with the maximum allowed size.
  3. Proceed with the insertion only if the size is within the limit.

Code example:

const BSON = require('bson');
const maxCappedSize = 1024; // Example max size of documents

let doc = { user: 'example', data: '...' };
let docSize = BSON.calculateObjectSize(doc);
if (docSize < maxCappedSize) {
} else {
    // Handle error or resize document

Notes: Checking the document size before insertion is a good practice to avoid this error. However, this requires additional code and processing which might have a small performance impact.

Solution 2: Increase Capped Collection Size

If consistently facing the DocTooLargeForCapped error, increasing the size of the capped collection could resolve the issue. Keep in mind that this solution requires migrating data to a new capped collection with a larger size.

  1. Create a new capped collection with a larger size limit.
  2. Migrate data from the old collection to the new one.
  3. Update application references to use the new collection.

To create a new capped collection in MongoDB with a specified size limit, you can use the db.createCollection method with the capped option set to true and specify the maximum size of the collection in bytes. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create such a collection:

// Connect to the MongoDB instance
// Assuming you are already in the mongo shell or using a MongoDB driver

// Name of the new capped collection
const collectionName = "myCappedCollection";

// Maximum size of the capped collection in bytes
const maxSizeInBytes = 5242880; // Example: 5 MB

// Create a new capped collection
db.createCollection(collectionName, {
    capped: true,
    size: maxSizeInBytes

// Verify that the collection is created
// This will list the details of the newly created collection

Notes: This approach resolves the immediate issue but involves downtime and additional overhead. Careful planning is necessary to minimize impacts on the production environment. It also permanently increases resource usage.


In summary, the DocTooLargeForCapped error in MongoDB is indicative of documents exceeding the maximum allowed size for capped collections. Solutions range from preventative measures—such as verifying document size before insertion—to more involved strategies like changing collection attributes and re-designing document schema. The right approach depends on specific use cases and whether the error is an occasional hiccup or a symptom of larger architectural issues. Careful consideration of the trade-offs associated with each solution is vital to maintaining optimal database performance and integrity.