MongoDB Date data type: A practical guide (with examples)

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, provides flexible data structures, one of them being the Date data type. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how MongoDB handles dates, along with practical examples and some advanced operations to improve your date data handling skills.

Understanding the MongoDB Date type

The MongoDB Date type is used to store the current date or time in UTC by default. This BSON (Binary JSON) data type provides a straightforward way to work with dates and times, allowing for precision up to milliseconds. To create a new Date object in MongoDB, you can use the Date() function or the ISODate() factory function, which is more specific to MongoDB and ensures the date is stored in ISO format.

    event: 'Sample Event',
    date: new Date()

After inserting the document, the date field will store the exact date and time of the insertion.

Querying Date Fields

Once you have date data in your collection, you might need to query it. Here’s a quick look:

    date: { $gt: new Date('2022-01-01') }

This query retrieves all documents with a date greater than January 1, 2022.

Advanced Date Queries

The true potential of date handling with MongoDB shows up in its powerful querying capabilities. For example, to find all documents from the previous week:

const lastWeek = new Date(new Date() - 604800000);
    date: { $gte: lastWeek }

Specifying precise date ranges or querying parts of the date, like hours or minutes, requires the aggregation framework’s date operators. Let’s say we want to find all events that start at 10am.

        $project: {
            year: { $year: '$date' },
            month: { $month: '$date' },
            day: { $dayOfMonth: '$date' },
            hour: { $hour: '$date' }
        $match: {
            hour: 10

Here we utilized the $project stage to extract parts of the date, followed by the $match stage to filter by hour.

Indexing Date Fields

When dealing with large collections, indexing the date fields can significantly improve query performance. A single field index on the date field could look like this:

   date: 1 

Once indexed, your queries concerning the date field will be much faster.

Working with Date in Aggregation

The aggregation pipeline in MongoDB can do complex date manipulations like grouping by date intervals. Below is an example aggregating sales by month.

        $group: {
            _id: { $month: '$date' },
            totalSales: { $sum: '$amount' }

This will output the total sales for each month contained in your collection of sales.

Dealing with Timezones

Working with different time zones is a common issue. MongoDB, by default, stores dates in UTC, but it allows conversions using the aggregation pipeline. Here’s an example converting UTC dates to a specific timezone.

        $addFields: {
            localDate: {
                $toDate: {
                    $subtract: [
                        { $toLong: '$date' }, 
                        (your timezone offset in milliseconds)

This converts the UTC date field to your local timezone considering the provided offset.


In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of the MongoDB Date data type, showed how to query and manipulate date fields, deal with indexing, work with timezones, and perform aggregations based on date fields. Mastering these operations will significantly enhance your ability to manage and analyze time-based data within your MongoDB applications.