MongoDB ConflictingUpdateOperators Error: Common Causes and Solutions

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database known for its flexibility and performance. However, when you perform update operations, you might encounter a ConflictingUpdateOperators error. This error indicates that you are trying to perform an update that includes incompatible update operators or attempting multiple updates on the same field. Understanding and resolving these conflicts can ensure the consistency and integrity of your data. Below, we explore some common solutions to this issue.

Solution 1: Consolidate Update Operations

One of the most common causes for a ConflictingUpdateOperators error is the use of multiple update operators that conflict with one another within the same update statement. Consolidating your update operations can resolve this.

Steps to follow:

  1. Examine your update statement.
  2. Identify conflicting update operators.
  3. Rewrite the update statement into a form that does not contain conflicts.

Code Example:

// Incorrect update with conflicts
const updateQuery = {
  $set: { 'details.price': 150 },
  $inc: { 'details.price': 20 }
// Corrected update without conflicts
const updateQuery = {
  $set: { 'details.price': 170 }

Notes: Consolidating update operations simplifies statement logic and minimizes risk of error. However, consolidating could mean losing some atomic operation properties.

Solution 2: Sequential Update Operations

Performing sequential updates, rather than simultaneous ones, can be a way to sidestep conflicts.

In order to separate updates into multiple queries to avoid direct conflicts within a single update statement, just follow these steps:

  1. Split the conflicted update operations into separate queries.
  2. Execute each query sequentially.

Code Example:

// Sequentially updating
// First, incrementing details.price
const incrementQuery = {
  $inc: {'details.price': 20}
db.collection.updateOne({_id: item._id}, incrementQuery);

// Then, set details.price to a new value
const setQuery = {
  $set: {'details.price': 150}
db.collection.updateOne({_id: item._id}, setQuery);

Notes: Sequential updates avoid conflicting operators but are less efficient and may introduce race conditions if separate operations are influenced by simultaneous access.

Solution 3: Schema Validation

Applying schema validation rules at the database level can preemptively block operations that might lead to conflicts.

Define validation rules to ensure updates conform to expected structures and to prevent conflicts:

  1. Create validation rules that are well-defined and prevent conflicts.
  2. Add these rules to the database schema.
  3. Test updates to ensure they fail when they should and pass when valid.

Code Example:

// Example schema validation rule
const priceValidation = {
  $jsonSchema: {
    bsonType: 'object',
    required: ['price'],
    properties: {
      price: {
        bsonType: 'number',
        minimum: 0
db.createCollection('items', { validator: priceValidation });

Notes: Schema validation improves data integrity. It may, however, add overhead to write operations and can be stricter than desired for certain flexible update requirements.


In conclusion, the ConflictingUpdateOperators error in MongoDB usually signals an issue with the logic in update operations. The solutions vary from refactoring update statements to sequential execution or implementing stronger schema validation rules. Avoiding conflicting operators by carefully designing update logic is crucial for maintaining a stable and reliable database system. Each approach has its own benefits and trade-offs; so it’s important to choose the solution that best fits the needs of your application for both immediate results and long-term maintainability.