MongoDB: Best practices to name collections and fields

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a powerful NoSQL database, offers flexibility in the way it stores data. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB stores data in BSON documents allowing for varied and nested structures. This flexibility, while powerful, means establishing consistent naming conventions for collections and fields is crucial to ensure clarity, maintainability, and effective team collaboration. In this tutorial, we will explore several best practices for naming collections and fields in MongoDB, complete with practical code examples.

Understanding MongoDB Structures

Before diving into naming practices, it’s essential to understand MongoDB’s basic structures:

  • Collections: Comparable to tables in relational databases, collections are groups of MongoDB documents.
  • Fields: Represent the various pieces of data within a document, similar to columns in a SQL table.

Naming Collections

Collection names should be meaningful, concise, and follow a consistent pattern throughout the database. Here are some best practices:

  • Use Plural Nouns: Collections represent groups of entities, so names should be plural. For example, use users instead of user.
  • CamelCase vs. snake_case: MongoDB is case sensitive. Decide on either camelCase or snake_case and stick with it across all collections for consistency. e.g., userProfiles or user_profiles.
  • Avoid Using MongoDB Reserved Words: Names like system might conflict with internal collections used by MongoDB.
  • Keep it Short and Meaningful: Long names complicate queries. Prefer orders over customerPurchaseOrders.

Naming Fields

Field names, just like collection names, should be clear, consistent, and descriptive. Here are some guidelines:

  • Use camelCase: For fields, the established convention within many MongoDB documents is camelCase. For example, createdAt.
  • Avoid Space and Special Characters: Using spaces or characters like ‘$’, ‘.’, or containing ‘
    ‘ might either not be supported or lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Short and Descriptive: Field names should clearly describe the data they hold. For example, use email instead of e.
  • Avoid Reserved Words and Periods: Similar to collection names, avoid using reserved words and periods (‘.’) in field names as they have special meanings in MongoDB.

Code Examples

Let’s introduce some code examples to illustrate these practices:

Basic Collection Creation

// Creating a 'users' collection in MongoDB
use myDatabase


Defining Document Fields

// Inserting a document into the 'users' collection

  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Doe',
  email: '[email protected]',
  createdAt: new Date()

Advanced Structure

For more complex structures, involving nested documents and arrays, the naming conventions still apply.

// Nested document example

  name: {first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe'},
  address: {
    street: '123 Main St',
    city: 'Anytown',
    state: 'CA',
    zip: '12345'
  emails: [
    {type: 'home', address: '[email protected]'},
    {type: 'work', address: '[email protected]'}
  createdAt: new Date()


In conclusion, adhering to best practices in naming conventions for collections and fields in MongoDB is essential for creating a scalable, maintainable, and comprehensible database structure. By applying the guidelines discussed in this tutorial, you can ensure that your MongoDB databases are well-organized and easy to navigate for anyone working with them.