How to Use NumPy’s genfromtxt and savetxt for Data Import/Export

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with data in Python, it’s essential to know how to efficiently import and export datasets. This is where NumPy, one of Python’s most essential libraries for numerical computations, comes into play with its functions like genfromtxt and savetxt which make handling file I/O straightforward and quick.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use genfromtxt to read data from text files and how to export data using savetxt. We’ll start with the basics and slowly move on to more advanced techniques.

Introduction to NumPy’s File I/O Functions

Before diving into the code, let’s briefly understand what these functions do. The genfromtxt function is used to load data from text files, with the added ability to handle missing data and to flexibly parse different columns. The savetxt function, on the other hand, allows for exporting array-like data to text files.

Basic Usage of genfromtxt

Let’s begin by reading a simple CSV file:

import numpy as np

# Assume we have 'data.csv' with the following content:
# 1,2,3
# 4,5,6
# 7,8,9

# Using genfromtxt to read the csv file into a NumPy array
array = np.genfromtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',')

The output of the above code would be:

[[ 1.  2.  3.]
 [ 4.  5.  6.]
 [ 7.  8.  9.]]

As you can see, genfromtxt has successfully read our CSV file into a 2D NumPy array.

Handling Missing Data

Often, datasets aren’t perfect and might have missing values. genfromtxt can handle this scenario gracefully using the filling_values parameter:

import numpy as np

# Assume 'data_with_missing_values.csv' has the following content:
# 1,2,
# ,5,6
# 7,,9

# Using genfromtxt with the filling_values parameter
array_with_missing = np.genfromtxt('data_with_missing_values.csv', delimiter=',', filling_values=0)

The output will now fill the missing slots with zeros:

[[1. 2. 0.]
 [0. 5. 6.]
 [7. 0. 9.]]

Structuring Data with dtypes

The genfromtxt function allows for defining the datatype for each column which can be particularly useful when dealing with heterogeneous data. Here’s how you can do this:

import numpy as np

# Assuming 'heterogeneous_data.csv' has mixed data types

# Using genfromtxt with dtype parameter
structured_array = np.genfromtxt('heterogeneous_data.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=[('col1', 'i4'), ('col2', 'f4'), ('col3', 'U5')])

An example output illustrating structured array with named fields:

[(1, 2., b'Text1')
 (3, 4., b'Text2')
 (5, 6., b'Text3')]

All the while, you can see that genfromtxt gives us the flexibility to map different data types to columns of the dataset.

Advanced Reading with Custom Converters

Sometimes we need to preprocess columns while reading from a file. NumPy allows us to specify custom converter functions using the converters parameter.

import numpy as np

# Using converters to parse dates from a csv file

# A sample function to convert strings to date objects
def str_to_date(s):
    return np.datetime64(s, 'D')

structured_array_with_dates = np.genfromtxt('dates_data.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='U10,f4', converters={0: str_to_date})

converters is specified as a dictionary where the keys are the column indices to be converted, and the values are the functions used for conversion.

Exporting Data with savetxt

Moving on to data export, we use savetxt to write a NumPy array to a file. The basic usage is straightforward:

import numpy as np

# Create a sample array
array_to_save = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

# Saving the array to 'output.csv' with delimiter ','
np.savetxt('output.csv', array_to_save, delimiter=',')

If you open output.csv, you will find the array elements neatly arranged as intended.

Formatting Data for savetxt

Often we need to format the data while saving, for instance, enforcing a certain number of decimals. Here’s how:

import numpy as np

# Saving with formatting
np.savetxt('formatted_output.csv', array_to_save, delimiter=',', fmt='%.2f')

This will ensure that all floating-point numbers use two decimal places.

Handling Structured Arrays

Let’s now look at saving structured arrays which require a different format. This can be accomplished by specifying the fmt parameter with a sequence:

import numpy as np

# Assuming we have a structured_array

# Save with specific formatting for each field
def formatted_output(structured_array):
    np.savetxt('structured_output.csv', structured_array, delimiter=',', fmt=['%d', '%.2f', '%s'])

Adding Headers and Footers

It is often necessary to add headers or footers for clarity. savetxt makes this simple:

import numpy as np

np.savetxt('output_with_header_footer.csv', array_to_save, header='This is the header\nColumn1,Column2,Column3', footer='This is the footer.', delimiter=',', comments='')

Make sure that when you use the comments argument to set it as an empty string if you don’t wish to have the default octothorpe (#) prefixed to headers and footers.


In conclusion, NumPy’s genfromtxt and savetxt are powerful tools that allow for flexible data import and export, playing an essential role in the data preprocessing pipeline. Mastering these functions equates to greater efficiency in handling the various formats and types of data you’ll surely encounter in your data science endeavors.