How to update a nested array in MongoDB

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to effectively update nested arrays in MongoDB documents is crucial for developers working with complex data models. MongoDB, a NoSQL database, provides a flexible document structure, which can include arrays and even nested arrays within documents. This tutorial aims to delve into various ways to update elements within a nested array, leveraging MongoDB’s diverse update operators and methods.


Before we dive in, ensure that you have:

  • MongoDB installed and running on your system.
  • Basic understanding of MongoDB operations.
  • A MongoDB client or MongoDB Compass installed for running queries.

Understanding Document Structure

Let’s consider a sample document structure from a ‘users’ collection that we will be working with:

  "_id": "userId123",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "addresses": [
      "type": "home",
      "details": {
        "street": "123 Main St",
        "city": "Anytown"
      "type": "work",
      "details": {
        "street": "456 Elm St",
        "city": "Bigcity"

This structure shows a user with multiple addresses, each with its own type and detailed location information, constituting a nested array.

Basic Update Operations

First, let’s start with the basics of updating a single element within a nested array.

Using ‘$‘ operator

Imagine you want to update the ‘city’ for the ‘home’ address type. You can use the positional ‘$‘ operator to do this:

  { "addresses.type": "home" },
  { "$set": { "addresses.$": "Newtown" } }

This query locates the first occurrence of an address with type ‘home’ and updates the city to ‘Newtown’. It’s a straightforward way to target a specific element within a nested array if the array does not contain duplicate types.

Advanced Update Operations

Using ‘$[<identifier>]‘ and ‘$[<arrayFilters>]‘

For more complex updates, especially when dealing with multiple items in the nested array with the same criteria, you can use the array filters feature. This involves the ‘$[]’ placeholder and the ‘arrayFilters‘ option. Here’s how:

  { "_id": "userId123" },
  { "$set": { "addresses.$[elem]": "Newcity" } },
  { "arrayFilters": [ { "elem.type": "work" } ] }

This example updates all ‘work’ addresses within the document by setting their city to ‘Newcity’. The ‘arrayFilters‘ option allows for more precise targeting within the array.

Further Considerations

Beyond updates, MongoDB provides operators for adding, removing, or replacing elements within nested arrays. Understanding operators like ‘$push‘, ‘$pop‘, ‘$addToSet‘, and ‘$pull‘ can expand the versatility of how you manipulate documents containing nested arrays.

Real-World Scenario

Consider a scenario where you want to add a new address to the ‘addresses’ array. You can do this with the ‘$push‘ operator:

  { "_id": "userId123" },
  { "$push": { "addresses": {
    "type": "vacation",
    "details": {
      "street": "789 Beach Blvd",
      "city": "Beachtown"
  } } }

This operation adds a new ‘vacation’ address to the ‘addresses’ nested array. Knowing when and how to use each of these operators according to your specific needs can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your database operations.

Handling Complex Updates

For even more complex update scenarios involving nested arrays, consider leveraging MongoDB aggregation framework with the ‘$addFields‘ or ‘$set‘ stages. These aggregation operators provide a powerful way to reshape and update documents.


Understanding how to update nested arrays in MongoDB is key to managing complex data structures. By leveraging MongoDB’s diverse update operators and methods, developers can perform precise and efficient updates on nested arrays. Experiment with these techniques to find what best suits your application’s needs.