How to add index to a field in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to MongoDB Indexing

Indexing is a database optimization technique used to speed up the retrieval of documents within a MongoDB collection. By creating an index, you provide a structured pathway to your data, reducing the time required for queries to find relevant documents. In this tutorial, we will explore how to add an index to a field in MongoDB, along with several examples ranging from basic to advanced usage.


Before we begin, ensure you have:

  • MongoDB installed and running on your local machine or server.
  • A basic understanding of MongoDB operations.
  • Access to the MongoDB shell or a MongoDB GUI client.

Understanding MongoDB Index Types

MongoDB supports various types of indexes to cater to different querying needs. Here are some common index types:

  • Single Field: Indexing individual fields in a document.
  • Compound: Indexing multiple fields within a document.
  • Multikey: Indexing fields that contain array values.
  • Geospatial: Indexing geospatial data for location-based querying.
  • Text: Indexing text for search functionality.

Adding a Basic Single Field Index

Let’s start by creating a simple single field index. Assume we have a collection named users with documents featuring username fields that we frequently query:

db.users.createIndex({ username: 1 })

This command creates an ascending index on the username field. To create a descending index, use -1 instead of 1.

Verifying the Index


The getIndexes() method will list all the indexes on the users collection, including the new index on username.

Compound Indexing

Compound indexes are useful when queries often involve multiple fields. For instance, consider indexing both username and email:

db.users.createIndex({ username: 1, email: 1 })

This compound index supports queries that specify conditions on username and email together, as well as conditions on username alone, due to index prefixing.

Index Constraints

When creating compound indexes, order matters—a query filtering by email first would not efficiently use this index. Construct compound indexes carefully to align with your most critical query patterns.

Indexing Array Fields with the Multikey Feature

For fields with array values, MongoDB automatically creates a multikey index, indexing each element of the array. Here’s an example where we have a tags field in a posts collection:

db.posts.createIndex({ tags: 1 })

Searching for individual tags within a document is now more efficient due to multikey indexing:

db.posts.find( { tags: 'tech' } )

Indexing Geospatial Data

To query geospatial data, such as retrieving locations within a certain range, you need to create geospatial indexes:

db.places.createIndex({ location: '2dsphere' })

This index allows for geo queries leveraging longitude and latitude values.

Text Indexing

Text indexes cater to applications needing full-text search capabilities. You can create a text index on a field with string content as follows:

db.articles.createIndex({ content: 'text' })

Using this index, contributors can perform text searches across articles:

db.articles.find({ $text: { $search: 'mongodb indexing' }})

Managing Indexes

Indexes carry overhead for write operations and storage. It’s important to manage them wisely.

  • Removing an index: Use db.collection.dropIndex().
  • Choosing the right fields: Analyze query patterns and index the most frequently accessed fields.
  • Monitoring performance: Implement regular checks on index utilization and performance to maintain efficiency.

Advanced Features

MongoDB also offers several advanced index types and options, such as:

  • Partial indexes: Index only a subset of documents meeting a filter criteria.
  • Sparse indexes: Index documents only where the indexed field exists.
  • TTL indexes: Automatically remove documents after a specified amount of time.
  • Unique indexes: Enforce uniqueness across a field’s values.

These advanced index configurations allow for more fine-grained optimization of your data and query performance.


Indexes are a powerful feature in MongoDB that significantly enhance query performance. They do require thoughtful implementation and ongoing management to ensure they continue to serve their purpose efficiently. By understanding and employing the right type of index for your specific use case, you can ensure your MongoDB queries are executed as efficiently as possible.