Encoding in MongoDB: A practical guide (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, the popular NoSQL database, is known for its flexible schema and ability to store various types of data. However, understanding how to handle different data encodings can be key to ensuring your application runs smoothly, especially in a world with diverse character sets and the need for efficient storage and retrieval. This tutorial will cover the basics, provide various examples, and journey from primitive to advanced encoding techniques.

Understanding Encoding

Encoding is a method of converting data from one form to another. In the context of databases, it often refers to how character data is represented. There are various encodings available, such as UTF-8, ASCII, and others. MongoDB uses UTF-8 encoding for strings, which supports a vast range of characters from different languages.

Starting with the Basics: Simple Encoding

Let’s start by inserting some basic UTF-8 encoded documents into a MongoDB collection. Here’s how the process works:

# Connect to the MongoDB instance
from pymongo import MongoClient

default_client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = default_client['example_db']
collection = db['test']

# Inserting a document with a UTF-8 encoded string
document = {'message': 'Hello, world! 😃'}

The above code will insert a document into the ‘test’ collection of the ‘example_db’, handling the UTF-8 encoding seamlessly because the client library (PyMongo in this case) takes care of it.

Dealing with Non-UTF-8 Encoded Data

What happens if your data is not already UTF-8 encoded? For instance, if you are dealing with legacy systems, you might encounter data encoded in ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252. You’ll need to convert this data to UTF-8 before inserting it into MongoDB.

# Assuming `legacy_str` is a string encoded in ISO-8859-1
legacy_str = 'Olá mundo!'.encode('iso-8859-1')

# Converting to UTF-8
utf8_str = legacy_str.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')

document = {'message': utf8_str}

Now, let’s move onto a slightly more complex example involving data retrieval and encoding.

Retrieving and Working with Encoded Data

Retrieving encoded data from MongoDB is straightforward, as PyMongo converts the stored UTF-8 encoded data back into strings:

# Retrieve the first document in the collection
retrieved_document = collection.find_one()

# Output
# 'Hello, world! 😃'

What if you need to operate on this data further? For instance, writing the data to a file with a different encoding. Here’s an example:

# Writing UTF-8 string to a file with a different encoding (ISO-8859-1)
with open('message.txt', 'w', encoding='iso-8859-1') as file:

Though MongoDB is flexible with data types, understanding encoding nuances beyond strings is crucial. For example, when storing binary data, you must be careful to maintain the integrity of its original encoding.

Advanced: Working with Binary Data and Custom Encodings

For binary data, like images or encrypted text, MongoDB supports the Binary data type. Below is how you could insert and retrieve binary data:

# Inserting binary data
with open('image.jpg', 'rb') as file:
    image_data = file.read()

collection.insert_one({'image': Binary(image_data)})

# Retrieving and writing the binary data to a file
image_document = collection.find_one({'image': {'$exists': True}})
with open('retrieved_image.jpg', 'wb') as file:

Suppose you have custom encoding needs, like compressing text data before storing it to save space. You could use a library like zlib to compress text data, store it as binary in MongoDB, and decompress it upon retrieval:

import zlib
from bson.binary import Binary

# Compressing text data
compressed_text = zlib.compress('Very long text...'.encode('utf-8'))
collection.insert_one({'text': Binary(compressed_text)})

# Decompressing text data upon retrieval
text_document = collection.find_one({'text': {'$exists': True}})
original_text = zlib.decompress(text_document['text']).decode('utf-8')

All of these examples demonstrate how encoding is handle within MongoDB. There can be further complexities when handling large datasets and ensuring consistent encoding across a distributed environment, but these examples provide a foundation for understanding the basic practices.


In this tutorial, we explored practical examples of encoding in MongoDB. We started with simple UTF-8 strings, addressed legacy encodings, handled binary data, and even dabbled in custom encodings. By now, you should have a good understanding of encoding in MongoDB and how to manage variations effectively.